Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lecture E1 (2024-09-06): Random-Number Generation

In this lecture, we introduce the measure-theoretic concept of a random variable (which is neither random nor a variable) and related terms, such as outcomes, events, probability measures, moments, means, etc. Throughout the lecture, we use the metaphor of probability as mass (and thus probability density as mass density, and a mean as a center of mass). This allows us to discuss the "statistical leverage" of outliers in a distribution (i.e., although they happen infrequently, they still have the ability to shift the mean significantly, as in physical leverage). This sets us up to talk about random processes and particular random variables in the next lecture.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lecture D2 (2024-09-24): Probabilistic Models

In this lecture, we review basic probability fundamentals (measure spaces, probability measures, random variables, probability density functions, probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, moments, mean/expected value/center of mass, standard deviation, variance), and then we start to build a vocabulary of different probabilistic models that are used in different modeling contexts. These include uniform, triangular, normal, exponential, Erlang-k, Weibull, and Poisson variables. If we do not have time to do so during this lecture, we will finish the discussion in the next lecture with the Bernoulli-based discrete variables and Poisson processes.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lecture D1 (2024-09-19): Probability and Random Variables

In this lecture, we introduce the measure-theoretic concept of a random variable (which is neither random nor a variable) and related terms, such as outcomes, events, probability measures, moments, means, etc. Throughout the lecture, we use the metaphor of probability as mass (and thus probability density as mass density, and a mean as a center of mass). This allows us to discuss the "statistical leverage" of outliers in a distribution (i.e., although they happen infrequently, they still have the ability to shift the mean significantly, as in physical leverage). This sets us up to talk about random processes and particular random variables in the next lecture.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lecture C2 (2024-09-17): Beyond DES – SDM, ABM, and NetLogo

This lecture (slides embedded below) provides some historical background and motivation for System Dynamics Modeling (SDM) and Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), two other simulation modeling approaches that contrast with Discrete Event System (DES) simulation.

In particular, in this lecture, we briefly introduce System Dynamics Modeling (SDM) and Agent-Based/Individual-Based Modeling (ABM/IBM) as the two ends of the simulation modeling spectrum (from low resolution to high resolution). The introduction of ABM describes applications in life sciences, social sciences, and engineering (Multi-Agent Systems, MAS)/operations research. NetLogo is introduced (as part of preparation for Lab 4), and it is used to present examples of running ABM's as well as the code behind them. This lecture is also coupled with notes discussing the Lab 3 (Monte Carlo simulation) results and general experience. These comments focus on interval estimation (which is right 95% of the time, as opposed to point estimation that is right 0% of the time) and the role of non-trivial distributions of random variables (as opposed to just their means).

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lecture C1 (2024-09-12): Basic Simulation Tools and Techniques

This lecture covers content related to implementing simulations with spreadsheets and the motivations for the use of special-purpose Discrete Event System Simulation tools. In particular, we discuss different approaches to implementing Discrete Event System (DES) simulations (DESS) with simple spreadsheets (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, etc.). We cover inventory management problems (such as the newsvendor model) as well as Monte Carlo sampling and stochastic activity networks (SAN's). Although we show that spreadsheets can be very powerful for this kind of work, we highlight that this approach is cumbersome for systems with increasing complexity. So this motivates why we would use more sophisticated tools specifically built for simulation (but perhaps not so great for data analysis by themselves), like Arena, FlexSim, Simio, and NetLogo.

This lecture was recorded by Theodore Pavlic as part of IEE 475 (Simulating Stochastic Systems) at Arizona State University.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lecture B3 (2024-09-10): Discrete-Event Simulation Examples, Part II

In this lecture, we close out our review of DES fundamentals and hand simulation. After going through a hand-simulation example one last time, we show how to implement a Discrete Event System (DES) simulation using a spreadsheet tool like Microsoft Excel without any "macros" (VBA, etc.). This involves defining relationships ACROSS TIME that allow the spreadsheet to (in a declarative fashion) reconstruct the trajectory that is the output of the simulation.

We then pivot to discussing the previous "Lab 2 (Muffin Oven Simulation)", which lets us introduce common random numbers (CRNs), statistical blocking, requirements of 2-sample and paired t-tests, and more sophisticated statistical methods that better characterize PRACTICAL significance (and take into account the multiple comparisons problem). Thus, the post-lab2 reflections are largely a preview of future topics in the course.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Lecture B2 (2024-09-05): Discrete-Event Simulation Examples, Part I

In this lecture, we review fundamentals of Discrete Event System (DES) simulation (e.g., entities, resources, activities, processes, delays, attributes) and we run through a number of DES modeling examples. These examples show how different research/operations questions can lead to different choices of entities/resources/etc. We close with a hand-simulation example of a single-channel, single-server queue with provided interarrival times and service times.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Lecture B1 (2024-09-03): Fundamental Concepts of Discrete-Event Simulation (DES)

In this lecture, we cover fundamentals of discrete-event system (DES) simulation (DESS). This involves reviewing basic simulation concepts (entities, resources, attributes, events, activities, delays) and introducing the event-scheduling world view, which provides a causality framework on which an automatic simulation of a DES system can be built. We also discuss briefly how the stochastic modeling inherent to DESS means that outputs will be variable and thus will require rigorous statistics to make sense of.

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